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The Mandralor

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   The Mandralor are a race of hot-tempered religious zealots. Every member of their ancient species swells with pride with the knowledge that they are, indisputably, a direct descendent of God Himself. Their name is derived from their greatest prophet, Mandrala, who is believed to have been alive during the foundation of the Galactic Union itself!

     The Mandralor joined hands with the Enlar to form the Union approximately two millennia ago. It is said that their deity, Mandrala, gained his god-like status shortly afterward, during the Ancient Ignus War. Little is known of this dark period in Galactic history, for less than 1% of the fledgling republic's population lived to tell the tale.

     There is but one truth that survived the Ancient Slaughter. When the Ignus spread like wildfire throughout the Union, multiplying as they feasted upon the helpless Enlar and Mandralor colonies, they were stopped by a lone being. The prophet Mandrala, who sacrificed himself to bring an end to the Ignus onslaught, containing them for nearly two thousand years.

     In the modern era, contact with the Mandralor is inconsistent and sparse. They rarely care for the "company" of the Galaxy's "lesser races," preferring to spend their entire lives training for battle. It is for this reason that they have become renowned as the guardians of the Union. Their mere presence brings peace of mind during times of strife; and without them, all is lost.

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