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Legion Mandralor Anthropites Gallite Enimanga Lagionites Ymorpha Toiran Goth Enlar Xengar Ignus

Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star

Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star

The Anthropites

Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star
Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star
Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star

   The Anthropites are a race enshrouded in darkness and mystery. They first became known to the Union shortly after the Neo Ignus war, and have been considered the scourge of the Galaxy by all other "civilized" life forms ever since.

      Hesitant to reveal themselves, the Anthropites are said to be ashamed of their physical appearance. In reality, no outsider race has ever truly seen their species—left to ponder the possibilities of their repugnance with an imagination fueled by hatred and disgust. The Anthropites have no known allies, but rely on their strength in numbers and strictly clandestine nature for survival and, unfortunately, undeniable prosperity.

      Their invisible space ships decloak in droves, taking their quarry by surprise blasting them to space dust before they are even given opportunity to defend themselves. The Anthropites plunder whatever they can salvage, never hesitating to utilize their powerful close-range weapons over diplomacy, as they use the materials to construct bigger and more numerous space vessels for their unknown “ultimate purpose.” And even though the Anthropites appear to have little or no cohesion amongst themselves—merely banding together time to time to raid helpless outsiders en masse—it is undeniable that their religious ramblings about the ominous “epoch star” manifests some deeply fanatical organized religion…

      But while the Anthropites are never seen in the friendly presence of another species, there have been strange reports of their unique affinity to the Enimanga. After nearly a century of observation, it has become quite clear to the races of the union that the Anthropites share some mutual bond with these esoteric, purely crystalline beings. No one truly understands this bizarre and seemingly unlikely relationship, but where the Enimanga have been notoriously protective of their territory in the presence of all other species, they still have yet to be seen to attack an Anthropite vessel—even in self defense.