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Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star

The Lagionites

Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star
Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star
Space Game. Sci Fi RPG Adventure. Space RPG. Sci Fi Game. Scifi Game. Scifi RPG Adventure. Online. ORPG. CRPG. Online - Epoch Star

   Where the Lagionite people are lacking in mental prowess, they are more than compensated for with brute physical strength. Born on the swampy planet of Lagionite 4, their people evolved huge and powerful limbs to support their own tremendous weights. Their thick skins are impervious to most forms of modern weaponry, and their behemoth bodies are larger than most modest-sized starships. They become an indispensable part of the Union's armed forces as soon as their species was discovered during the Ancient Ignus War.

      They communicate like whales, bellowing loud and sonorous moans into the air. During conversation, each individual creates his own unique flavor of sound, until their speech gradually adapts to match the same melody. Their communal decisions are always met with perfect unanimity. And it is said that the Lagionites' sense of unity transcends far beyond what is even conceivable for most other sentient creatures.